FirmGuardian’s Managed Email Protection services combine new and traditional methods of email protection to provide a comprehensive set of measures to prevent phishing attacks. AI scans incoming email, automatically quarantining phishing emails with a high level of confidence. For emails it's less sure on, it forwards them to our team of analysts who perform manual investigations and classification.

Our managed anti-phishing solution protects email in both Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace environments.

Phishing Risk

Phishing is one of the most prevalent threats to businesses, composing 91% of all cyber attacks.

Email Protection

FirmGuardian’s services provide organizations robust business email protection to fight a variety of known and unknown attacks, including:

  • AI Powered Phishing Detection & Remediation

  • Business Email Compromise & Impersonation Protection

  • URL & Attachment Scanning

  • Continuous Mailbox Behavioral Analysis

  • Dynamic Email Alert Banners

  • ‘Report Phishing’ Button

  • Automated Phishing Simulation Testing

Premium Add-ons

Security Awareness Training
Ensure your employees are a strong line of defense against the latest methods of attack with Security Awareness Training.

Account Takeover Protection
Prevent email account takeover (ATO) attempts to protect user credentials, financial information, sensitive data, and more.

Microsoft Teams Monitoring
Real-time scanning and removal of suspicious links and attachments in your most used communication platforms to help keep enterprises and their sensitive data safe