The advantages of MSSP over in-house security

The Advantages of an MSSP Over In-House Security for Small and Medium Sized Business Owners

As digital threats manifest in more complex and sophisticated ways, the task of securing a business's digital ecosystem becomes an increasingly daunting challenge. Traditionally, in-house security measures were the default choice, offering a sense of control and immediacy. However, the rise of Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) has highlighted a range of benefits that could revolutionize business security strategies. In this detailed exploration, we'll delve into why business owners are finding that partnering with an MSSP may be more advantageous than relying solely on in-house security measures.

Introduction to MSSPs and In-House Security

To appreciate the differences and understand the shift toward MSSPs, it's crucial to outline the two types of security solutions. In-house security involves dedicated personnel, often a security team, responsible for every aspect of the company's security practices. These individuals manage and respond to threats using tools and resources owned or licensed by the company.

Conversely, MSSPs are third-party service providers that offer a range of security services, including EDR management, intrusion detection, firewalls, and even security awareness training for employees. They typically provide these services for a monthly fee, which can be tailored to the specific needs and budgets of different businesses.

Traditionally, small and medium sized businesses have been hesitant to outsource their security due to control issues and perceived high costs. However, the tide is turning, with MSSPs proving to offer practical solutions with a host of advantages.

Advantages of MSSP for Small Business Owners

1. Cost-Effectiveness

The foremost advantage of an MSSP is the potential cost savings. Employing and maintaining an in-house security team can be exorbitant, especially for smaller companies with tight budgets. MSSPs provide cost predictability with their subscription-based models and eliminate the need for hefty one-time investments in security infrastructure.

Moreover, with an MSSP, business owners don't have to worry about hidden costs related to training, turnover, or keeping up with the latest security technologies—they're all included in the service package.

2. Expertise and Specialization

MSSPs employ teams of security experts who have experience with a broad range of security technologies and protocols. This expertise is invaluable for business owners who might struggle to find or afford the level of specialization required to tackle modern digital threats.

These specialists can provide tailored solutions to meet the specific security needs of a smaller business. Compared to in-house teams, MSSP experts are likely to have a more diverse experience, having worked with various businesses and security challenges.

3. Scalability and Flexibility

The security needs of businesses can change rapidly, especially in response to growth or new industry compliance regulations. An in-house security team's capacity can be hard to scale up or down as needed, potentially leaving gaps in security measures.

MSSPs, on the other hand, can quickly adjust service levels to accommodate changes in the business. They also have the capacity to implement new security measures rapidly, such as integrating a new employee device into the network's security setup or updating all systems company-wide when a new threat is identified.

4. Enhanced Security Measures

MSSPs stay current with the latest security protocols, software updates, and threat intelligence. They can swiftly implement changes and updates that improve a business's security posture, often long before in-house teams may be aware the changes are needed.

This agility in the face of rapidly evolving digital threats means that businesses partnering with an MSSP benefit from a security system that is constantly adapting and improving.

5. Shared Knowledge

By working with a diverse portfolio of clients across different sectors, Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) accumulate a breadth of knowledge that is hard to amass in a single in-house security team. The shared insights gained from protecting multiple networks against a wide range of attacks afford MSSPs a unique vantage point. They can benchmark best practices and effectively anticipate and mitigate risks, deploying this collective intelligence to safeguard all their client businesses. In essence, each client benefits not only from their own security measures but also from the learnings garnered from the MSSPs’ entire client ecosystem, enhancing the cumulative security landscape.

Comparison with In-House Security

Cost Implications

When weighing direct costs, MSSPs often come out on top. They eliminate the need for employers to provide benefits and salaries to in-house employees. Tools and software licenses, which can be costly for businesses to purchase outright, are usually bundled into the MSSP's service fees.

Expertise Availability

In-house security teams may have limited resources to keep up with the ever-changing security landscape. Conversely, MSSPs can allocate more resources to research and development, ensuring access to expert knowledge and experience that would be difficult for smaller businesses to replicate internally.

Scalability Limitations

Smaller businesses with in-house security teams may find it challenging to scale these teams up or down according to their needs. They're also limited in the variety of expertise they can bring in-house, which could leave the business exposed to certain threats or compliance issues.

In contrast, MSSPs can offer a range of services and levels of expertise based on the smallest to the largest of business operations. This means that a business can grow without outpacing its security capabilities.


The world of cybersecurity is evolving, and business owners can no longer afford to overlook the role that security plays in their company's success. While in-house security has its merits, the advantages presented by MSSPs are formidable, making them a compelling option for small and medium sized businesses looking to enhance their security measures.

In summary, the broad expertise, advanced tools, and cost-efficient models that MSSPs offer can often surpass what in-house teams can provide for smaller businesses. It's time for business owners to consider the strategic move of outsourcing their security to an MSSP in order to stay competitive, reduce risks, and safeguard their data in an increasingly digital world. Remember, with a smart and proactive approach to cybersecurity, the term 'small business' doesn't have to equate to 'small security.'